You can find above our latest published 3 weddings. We prepared selections of our favourite
photos, with moments or details that we found relevant for the story or that simply impressed us.
EACH WEDDING IS UNIQUE so please take a look at as many as posts as possible, to find what makes them special and see which one is closer to how you imagine your big day!
Latest Weddings

MHN Team
Photography was the passion that brought us together and it was also the connection that kept us together until now. Photography for us it's more than a job or a big passion. It has become our LIFESTYLE. We see ordinary moments becoming extraordinary everywhere. In time, we learned which are worthy to be captured and which we'll keep in our own memory forever.
We LOVE a good party, a nice gathering of cool people, we love music, movies, we appreciate great interior design. Oh, and we love animals. We smile a lot and we always try to see the full side of your cocktail glass! We believe people share stories either to unburden themselves or just to empower each other.
We BUILD long term relationship with our clients. We are close to them as their families grow, becoming their FAMILY photographers. We already know all their relatives and friends, we feel like family around them!
Wedding Slideshow - A complete narrative
Happy moments of our past can always bring joy and a good mood. It’s easy to travel back in time through photographs. That’s why, for each wedding, we prepare a HIGHLIGHTS OF THE DAY, a collection of the best and most relevant moments that contains details, fun or emotional photographs. In about 2-3 minutes, you can recall lots of feelings, vibes, or people – all perfectly put together on an audio soundtrack, on the beat, aimed to give you shivers.