I think we already told you how much we love diversity. We are afraid of monotony and we do everything we can to make every day different, constantly trying to create new experiences. Obviously, a wedding where the groom is from another country bring some diversity. From the guests that come along to how they adapt to our customs. It’s always fun to watch. Frederick and Cristina met in the Netherlands, where they live. But while we are writing these lines, they continue their wonderful trip around the world, now in South America (after having finished with Asia). Who wouldn’t like to go in a 6 months honeymoon? For sure we would! So many new experiences, cultures, great photographs! Some of us are luckier and others, well… their time will come!
Back to the wedding day – we met for the preparing in a bright room at Sheraton. Cristina prepared many cute details for her important guests (bridesmaids and groomsmen). We could easily say that she is a warm and careful, making sure that everyone is having fun.
Due to Frederick’s nationality, they had lots of Dutch guests. They are not that used to our parties, with the traditional dances, but we have to say that they learned the moves fast and they enjoyed the music. Though, we admit – they mastered the pop rock music and danced like no one was watching. And that’s something we loooove photographing!
One moment that really impressed me was at the end of the party, when Robbie Williams’ song Angel played and all their friends gathered in a big circle, holding their arms together and simply started singing. The DJ understood the power of that song and softly decreased the volume, and for 1 minute there were only their voices that were vibrating at unison. It was magical! What a memory we will cherish forever.
At the end of the following photographs we invite you to enjoy the crazy “Love the dress” photo session we shot with them on a windy day. We think you’re gonna love it.
We miss you guys!
Andra and Mihnea